Now there is something powerful that I want to share with

I recently attended an online workshop for home based entrepreneurs about lifestyle design. I am really excited to share with you 2 beautiful analogies that Alex Baisley shared in his online day course “The Lifestyle Revolution- 1 day, redesign the next 3 months“ (you can learn more about Alex`s work  at

I took away one particular insight that I really want to share with you, because it has the potential to be a game changer.

Do you ever wonder if something is wrong with you, because somehow, no matter how much success you achieve in life, you just never feel satisfied?  Do you ever feel that way?  Alex Baisley did and I know I sure have.

After a while of beating himself up about it, it dawned on Alex that maybe, just maybe it wasn`t that there was something wrong with him. But rather that the problem was for him and all dissatisfied people, ENVIRONMENTAL.

Alex went on to liken the satisfied and fully expressed human being as a plant just waiting to flower…… and if you are a nature or plant lover,
you are gonna LOVE this!

Imagine if you will that we take one particular type of plant and start it from seed in an environment and soil quality that is exactlty opposite to what is needed for that particular plant to thrive and flower. What do you think will happen? While the seed will likely still sprout and grow, chances are slim that it will become the vibrant healthy plant it was meant to, let alone flower and bloom into its full beauty!

Alex believes it is the same thing with human beings. Like plants, we all need our own unique environment in order to thrive and flower into our potential! No amount of positive thinking and intention can make us flower into our fullness without the right environment to support whatever that looks like for us.

Many of us cannot bloom in the context of the American Dream, the 9-5 grind, working for someone else or maybe even in the context of a nuclear family unit, as in a stay at home parent or in the lonely life of a housewife. Some of us are just are not cut from that cloth, so to speak. No matter what, we don’t thrive in that culture.

Sure we can put a smile on our face, whatever the circumstances, but until the environment that we live in fully supports us, how can we possibly bloom into our fullness?

And with yet another beautiful plant analogy, Alex took us on another inner journey that facilitated the opportunity to look within and discover just what kind of “flower“we are blooming into, so that we can see more clearly a vision of what kind of environment can best support us each as individuals.

While there is no way that we can force a flower to bloom faster, we CAN impact whether or not it will in fact flower, by nurturing the ideal environmental conditions for the plant to thrive! Nurturing our environment is the only power we have to affect the present and future simultaneously!

So how about you?  Does this illustration give you an entirely new perception of where to put your energy on the day to day level? What kind of plant are you?  Does the garden of your life contain the unique
elements that you need to flower?

I am deeply contemplating this and looking at my own environment. I am asking myself what do I need to cultivate more of?  And what do I need to take out to compost so that I can flower into the full expression of my own potential?

Before I ask you to share, it is only fair that I share first! Personally, I have a strong desire to travel, yet also a strong need for community….I am contemplating my own gypsy nature and wondering how I can gather a circle of gypsy families to co create a travelling community together…whether that means contributing to one another by hosting families or better yet traveling on the road together!…..I would like to spend anywhere from 4-6 months exploring, homeschooling, offering
my work online, on the road and over the phone.

One of the most profoundly fulfilling times of my life was at the age of 17 when I was a camp counsellor…that summer had all the elements that enabled me to bloom into my potential. Living close to nature, eating in community, singing, focused time spent connecting in with spirit, sharing, growing, taking on leadership, and holding the space for others to flower into their potential. While it may sound cliche, during that summer, I felt like I had come home to myself.

Today though, I need to start where I am, fully expressing and embodying all of it from where I currently stand. And so I am deeply contemplating how to make these qualities a part of my environment now, rather than leaving them on the shelf while I hustle and bustle to achieve them in the future … for later when I have more time, more money, less work to do…yadda, yadda….(do you find yourself using these excuses too?)

I think Alex`s analogies are rich, practical, life affirming and potent. Simple, yet deeply profound.

I`d LOVE to hear your thoughts and to discover what kind of flower you are! What type of environment do you feel called to cultivate so that you can flower into the fullness of your radiance or brilliance?  What steps do you need to take to cultivate this kind of environment in your day to day life?

And if you are a gypsy soul mama or papa too (or?), drop me a line and let’s talk travel! e-mail me: